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  • "I very much appreciate all your research, Patience, and humor throughout all of my travel decisions." Jennifer 8/13
  • Hi Jo, "I honestly can not think of anything that I feel could have been handled better. Everything was perfect and definitely something that we both will remember for a long time! Thank you for being so patient and putting together such an awesome experience!" Dawn - after Canadian Rockies trip
  • "You were such a big part of our trip success that I will forever be indebted to you for your patience, wisdom, suggestions and your hard work. Steve H. Financial Advisor
  • "Your elifemagazine.net travel columns are very informative and full of good tips that I haven't seen anywhere else". Jen
  • "Do you have any idea how wonderful you are? If you ever want me to do a commercial, I'll gladly do it." Linda (Ex.Dir. ALHI)
  • "Thank you so much. The hotel was perfect!" Cori (Investor)
  • "It was fabulous!!! I truly had a wonderful time and I know I owe it all to you. Thank you so much for your help." Valerie (Consultant)
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