Once a year I feel compelled to have a public rant about all the frustrations associated with flying. The other million rants are private ones with clients and friends. We are all expressing our confusion, lack of understanding and sheer amazement with most Airlines. The skies are not friendly.
There is continual news from this huge/complex industry and I thought I’d pass some along.
* Delta is offering SkyMiles Credit Card users double miles through the end of 2009. Delta and Northwest (they merged) flights earn you twice the miles and you don’t need to use the credit card to buy your tickets.
* This merger has created headaches for fliers of both carriers. Check your tickets for correct info, be prepared to change gates, expect Northwest planes when you book Delta, and multi task while waiting forever on hold. This should all smooth out…….. oh-Continental and United are also in alliance.
* All carriers are cutting routes. They are reducing overseas flights and that is leading to fewer nonstops and longer layovers. Plan up front for a travel-only day on each end of your trip. Don’t plan any major sightseeing on arrival day. Make sure you have extra time in between connections. Look at online airport maps and find the quickest way between your gates.
* Illinois Congressman Dan Lipinski has proposed a bill to make our Federal Government the enforcer of tough carry-on luggage standards. The TSA would become the overhead bag police. Now that ought to really speed up security lines. Lipinski’s limits are bags 22” long by 18” high by 10”wide. That is 5” bigger than currently allowed. Go Dan.
* I was able to avoid the baggage check fee by claiming it was a carry on. The already busy gate attendants noticed it was just a bit too big to take on board and sent it out to be checked – at no charge. I imagine that loophole is plugged – but no loss to test it.
*Coming October 2009- new federal safety regulations. You will hear more about G16 compliance soon. All new commercial aircraft must have seats that are able to withstand a crash of 16 times the force of gravity. That is about 30mph head on. Expect to see airbags in the webbing of seatbelts, at $1200 apiece. You might not use the airbags but you could need the required defibrillators, medical kits and life vests.
*Wi-Fi will be in most planes in the immediate future. It will be nice to take in air down time to handle email or surf.
*Speaking of Y….. when purchasing a ticket, consider the Y-up (why-up) ticket. This is the discounted First Class ticket available to full price paying coach fliers. Many flights have empty first class seats. You can be upgraded, for a fee. You will receive a discounted first class seat. But it will feel and look like the full price ones.
Check out Seat Guru for Insider airline details
The best prices on air tickets is 14-21 days out from when you plan to fly.
Generally, the cheapest day of the week to fly is Wednesday, then Tuesday and Saturday.
The cheapest time to fly is typically the first flight out in the morning - yes, that means up at 4am. Next best times are flights during lunch and dinner hour.
JULY 2009 Jo Giraudo ©