We’ve got pirates threatening the oceans, drug lords the land and a virus spreading to every continent. The price of a vacation has now risen-despite the dropping cost. Are we safe to travel this summer or should we just take the family on a quick and close adventure to that Holiday Inn near Six Flags, 5 miles away? Here are a few facts from travel industry insiders to help you relax about your annual family vacation, romantic get away or high sea adventure.
The travel industry is doing the hard, proactive work needed to discourage the same stay-at-home reaction people had after 9/11. We are being encouraged to go out and see the world. The bottom line is that people are going to travel. The rules of the road are just a little different now.
Bold decisive measures are being taken to protect us against risks to our health and safety. Cruise ships are bypassing ports in Mexico to avoid the H1N1 virus. Mumbai and Somalia routes are being changed to avoid pirate activity. The ravaged Mexican tourist industry is literally escorting visitors across their border with armed security until travelers reach their gated spas and resorts.
The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) announced May 1st that its member lines have adopted and begun employing enhanced screening procedures, on a global basis, to help prevent the introduction and/or spread H1N1 on board cruise ships. Under the new CLIA health screening protocols, all passengers will be required to complete and sign a written questionnaire prior to boarding a CLIA member cruise ship anywhere in the world. There is a protocol in place for passengers who exhibit flu symptoms while onboard.
Continental and Delta have reduced their flights into Mexico. They are instituting thermal scanning of passengers, allowing you to switch your flight without penalty and even offering protective face masks onboard – free of charge for now. Wash your hands often, sanitize with germ killing gel and turn away from sneezes.
Sales are everywhere. Do some research or call a travel agent and take advantage of these prices. How about a visit to San Francisco, Seattle and Victoria, B.C.? A week-long cruise to the three cities from Los Angeles can be yours for just $199 That's how low Carnival has had to slash fares on Carnival Splendor -- its newest, most state-of-the-art ship -- as the line struggles to keep the vessel full in the wake of the swine flu.
Travel Insurance is a must these days. Do not put your vacation dollars at risk. Insurance companies have introduced new riders for trip cancellation and delay. They have also redefined terrorist activities and natural disaster. Read the different policies carefully. And do not purchase insurance from the company you are travelling with. There are still economic challenges for all businesses. You want to be protected against the travel company filing for bankruptcy.
This is a time to use common sense and a bit of caution. Rely on advice from WHO, CDC, the US Government and a well informed travel agent. For current US governmental travel warnings and alerts.
We need the rejuvenating, restorative powers of worldwide travel to help us cope with stress levels that are just as unhealthy as any virus or potential physical threat. And don’t forget how powerful a few days away from home is to building and strengthening friend and family relationships.
Happy and Healthy Trails to each of You.